“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
Humanity can be defined as quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Being human does not mean that an individual possesses humanity. Humanity means extending unconditional love to each and every living being on Earth.

One of the most outstanding examples of extraordinary humanity in a human being has been portrayed beautifully by Mother Teresa. Humanity means caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. Humanity means helping others at times when they need that help the most, humanity means forgetting your selfish interests at times when others need your help.

We see, hear, feel and experience numerous inhuman things, that somewhere we’ve lost hope, somewhere we’ve conditioned ourselves that this situation will never change and that it can never be resolved. I’ve had such a mindset too a while ago, but as I grew with time and as I evolved to the person I’m today, in this journey I realized that criticism and being upset about things is not going to solve them and change them.
I’ve realized to bring a change we have to be the change. To cut out inhumanity from the world, we’ve to exercise the pure humanity. You see people hitting animals? Go and feed them, be their friend, love them, cure the wounds they have on the body as well as on the soul. You see people ill-treating poors? Go and get them nice, hot food so that they could maybe eat atleast one fulfilled meal a day, donate clothes to them, arrange for clean drinking water for them.. and you see the list will go on and on and on.
Everything that exists on this planet has started from someone, it exists because someone made an effort to make/do it to bring it into existence. BE THAT SOMEONE. It all starts from one person. Be the change. Be the inspiration for others. Be the influencer to others. Be a teacher for others. Be a lesson for those who are rough and do misdeeds. Be as human as possible.

Humanity isn’t taught to anyone, it is the peculiar nature of every human being. It just has gone redundant and we need to reactivate it to be the human, to be the change. As soon as we understand the importance of humanity in day to day life, the purpose for which we are on Earth is automatically fulfilled. So we just require to leave footprints of love and kindness wherever we go and love each and every being we share this planet with and be kind to each and everyone we’re surrounded with.