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“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

Humanity can be defined as quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Being human does not mean that an individual possesses humanity. Humanity means extending unconditional love to each and every living being on Earth.


One of the most outstanding examples of extraordinary humanity in a human being has been portrayed beautifully by Mother Teresa. Humanity means caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. Humanity means helping others at times when they need that help the most, humanity means forgetting your selfish interests at times when others need your help.

We see, hear, feel and experience numerous inhuman things, that somewhere we’ve lost hope, somewhere we’ve conditioned ourselves that this situation will never change and that it can never be resolved. I’ve had such a mindset too a while ago, but as I grew with time and as I evolved to the person I’m today, in this journey I realized that criticism and being upset about things is not going to solve them and change them.  

I’ve realized to bring a change we have to be the change. To cut out inhumanity from the world, we’ve to exercise the pure humanity. You see people hitting animals? Go and feed them, be their friend, love them, cure the wounds they have on the body as well as on the soul. You see people ill-treating poors? Go and get them nice, hot food so that they could maybe eat atleast one fulfilled meal a day, donate clothes to them, arrange for clean drinking water for them.. and you see the list will go on and on and on.

Everything that exists on this planet has started from someone, it exists because someone made an effort to make/do it to bring it into existence. BE THAT SOMEONE. It all starts from one person. Be the change. Be the inspiration for others. Be the influencer to others. Be a teacher for others. Be a lesson for those who are rough and do misdeeds. Be as human as possible.

Mother Teresa Quote

Humanity isn’t taught to anyone, it is the peculiar nature of every human being. It just has gone redundant and we need to reactivate it to be the human, to be the change. As soon as we understand the importance of humanity in day to day life, the purpose for which we are on Earth is automatically fulfilled. So we just require to leave footprints of love and kindness wherever we go and love each and every being we share this planet with and be kind to each and everyone we’re surrounded with.

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Lost time is never found again

Last time is never found again

“One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do things you’ve always wanted…. Do it now.!” –Paulo Coehlo

Procrastination is the act of putting off work for no particular reason. It is one of the main barriers blocking you from getting up, making the right decisions and living the dream life you’ve thought of. People regret more the things they haven’t done than the things they have done.

Last time is never found again
Last time is never found again
Last time is never found again

To overcome procrastination:

Step 1: Recognize That You’re Procrastinating
Step 2:
Work Out WHY You’re Procrastinating
Step 3:
Adopt Anti-Procrastination Strategies

– Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past
– Commit to the task
– Promise yourself a reward after finishing the task
– Ask someone to check up on you
– Act as you go(finish your work as soon as you receive/get it)
– Rephrase your internal dialog(I need to/have to finish it)
– Minimize distractions
– Aim to complete the work that you find least interesting, first
– Keep a To-Do List
– Prioritize your To-Do List
– Become a master of scheduling and project planning
– Tackle the hardest tasks at your peak times
– Set yourself time-bound goals
– Use task- and time-management apps.

Procrastination is the thief of time, make sure you don’t lose your valuables to it. So, do something today that your future self will Thank you for.!

Last time is never found again
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Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a Choice

There can be numerous things going on in your life, rough, harsh, crazy things. You can either be drawn away with them or you can wait, take a deep breath and be happy that you’re alive, you could take a deep breath, you’ve a home where you’re sitting right now, you’ve sofas, chairs, stools, etc. to sit, oh and then you’ve a perfect body, the joints that are folded and rotated while you’re sitting. If you go on counting the things you could be happy for, you’ll be amazed, as the list is never ending.

We being humans only focus on what went wrong with us, what we lack, what we could not have, trust me I’ve the same tendency too. But someone told me people only remember the bad deeds and and never even consider the good, and that’s because the bad deeds and the bad experiences hurt and we make them so big, give them so much power that the good deeds, good people and all the good stuff in our lives suddenly becomes less in front of everything else.

Happiness is a Choice
Happiness is a Choice

If we need a good, content, happy life, we need to let go of the thoughts of what our lives are supposed to look like. We need to let go of all the judgements and opinions of other people. We need to let go of the anxiety for our future, let go of the worry about what will happen next or what will be do next. We need to let go of all the negativity that surrounds us or is inside us. Because happiness comes in waves, it’ll come to you time and again you just need to learn to accept it with open arms, and open heart.

Happiness is enjoying the littlest of the little things in life. Happiness is independence, freedom from your own negative thoughts, emotions and experiences. Happiness is forgiving people, for what they’ve done to you. Happiness is acceptance. Happiness is being grateful.

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is all the good, content, healthy and beautiful things/feelings/emotions that you could imagine of in the world. Happiness is being responsible for your own experience. Happiness is not out there, it’s in you.!!!

You feel you’ve nothing to do? Be happy, and trust me all of your problems will be solved, all your worries will be gone, all of your anxiety will be resolved. True happiness will change our life for good. Being happy wouldn’t mean that our life is perfect, but it means that we’ve decided to look beyond imperfections. And that’s where we win the battle of life just by being happy.

People are usually as happy as they make up their mind to be. The key to be so is we shall stop living in the past and stop depending on others. Our happiness depends on ourselves and our actions. So just be happy with what you have and be excited about what is to come your way.!!!

Happiness is a Choice
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Past and Future

Past and Future

I have a past, but I don’t live there anymore. I believe in letting go of the things and the past, but keeping the lessons it taught you. I’ve made this my life mantra that “Universe Plays in My Favour”: Whatever happens has to by default be in my favour- whatever is good, healthy, happy and productive for me will happen to/for me.

I’ve seen people holding onto the past, going back to their previous lives, crying over what has already been done and can never be changed, being mad/angry over things that are not currently happening and so much more. I totally get it, that it is not easy, not at all easy but IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE.!

I could do it, I came out of it, even though time, efforts, help and support from my loved ones- my people was put in, but I got through it. And today here I’m writing this to y’all. I want to tell you that you can’t start a new chapter in your life, if you keep on re-reading the the previous one.!

Past and Future

I want to tell you that everyone comes into your life to teach you something. To give you a lesson, an experience, which will serve you life long. And when that something is learnt by you, the people who came as a teacher for you either leave after their part is done or stay to teach you more of the life lessons. And when the people leave, it’s for your own good that their part has been done in your life.

Type your paragraph here.While someone more deserving and better is on their way into your life, to teach you, to make you understand things, that you need for your life to be the best of it to live, on this planet.

Past and Future

And the lessons not only have to be bitter, sad and bad but also lessons of how to be happy, how to laugh, how to love, how to live to the fullest, so on and so forth.

Clinging onto something that happened in the past wouldn’t take you any further, and thus, leaving it behind you and starting a fresh, new chapter is a wise choice. Because the past is all in your head, but the future, it is in you hand.

Past and Future
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A Beautiful Mindset

A beautiful mindset

Mindset is all about from the moment you’re born, till death do you part from life. Everything is up to you, your thoughts, your words, your actions, you emotions, your perceptions and every other thing.?

 Mindset is everything! It helps to focus on the beauty and inspiration in the world around us, and to have gratitude. While it can also lead you to see the darkness and brutality that exists in this world and within the people. Mindset can be good if it perceives the good, while it can be lost on a wrong track too, if not held tightly to the correct path and correct things.☑️

A beautiful mindset

And here’s the catch, the power to control our mind and held our mindset tight is within us, we have the power to control all the thoughts, words, and actions. A healthy mindset involves finding ways to grow from your thoughts instead of letting them control you and your life. Rather than dwelling on a negative thought until it becomes overwhelming and drowns us in our own sea.?

I choose to focus on what I can control, and let go off what I can’t as the healthy mindset tries to-
1. move beyond that thought  
2. simply accept it  
While the best way to overcome your obstacles is to use them as a stepping stone- laugh at them, trend on them and then let them lead you to something better.?

Just remember that you’ve the power, never misuse it, but never let it go waste and redundant. Live the life of your dreams, tune into the best frequencies of abundance, joy and bliss and tune you mind to only success, glory and prosperity.✨

A beautiful mindset
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“Small daily improvements when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results.”

It’s not the things we do on a monthly or yearly basis that give us results, but the little things we do every day, every hour and every minute, that change our lives.

We all have bad days, every now and then, all of us. No matter how perfect we aspire to be, and no matter how many things we promised ourselves we would do. Sometimes all the things that we wanted to achieve just can’t happen in one day, and that’s perfectly fine. And this we call as being realistic. ??


Even though it was a bad day for you, but you can’t stop trying and stop working for what you’ve always dreamt of to achieve, just because you’re facing some bad days in between. You have to pick yourself up right back up, stop, and think- Where I want to go is my ultimate destination and these are just small traffic signals on the way that are stopping me and I can cross all the traffic lights and drive straight to my destination. ??

Sometimes there could be traffic police as well on the way that could fine you and try to stop you to go towards your destination. You’d feel that it has got over, you can’t go any further, but NEVER STOP IN BETWEEN, you’ve to try and try and try until you’re already there. You’ve to be consistent. Consistency is something that you you do one day, the next day and the next day until it is turned into your lifestyle.❎

You just have to be keep moving, moving towards your final destination and never quit even when the traffic signals and traffic police stops you and other hurdles come your way.!!?️

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How To Live Life

How To Live Life

As you walk through life, you will fall down many times. You will fail and you will make mistakes, but that’s okay. Keep in mind that life is a process of becoming.

Be Happy, as happiness is the path to wherever you want to reach and to whatever your destination is. Being happy makes your journey easy, short and fills your life with enjoyable, unforgettable and amazing moments that you’ll cherish forever.?

Think Positive Be Positve

Think positive, as you can’t change what has been already done, but you can control what is to come ahead. And positive thoughts make manifestations come true. Positive mindset turns the thoughts into reality and allow you to reach to the stars and shine bright.?

Love is the super power to achieve and get to anywhere and everywhere. It is your strength that encourages you and motivates you to go to the moon and back. It makes you do things out of the box and be passionate about the things you involve into. Give love to yourself and everyone and love will give you more than your expectations. ❤️

How To Live Life
How To Live Life

Have faith in yourself and whatever you go through, because everything and everyone happens for a reason. Your faith and trust will help you fetch what you deserve in life and make your life so much easier to live. ?

Keep smiling because this life is so beautiful. Change the world with your smile, as we need a lot of beautiful smiles in this world. Your smile has the power to kill all the problems and make the world a happier, brighter place.?

How To Live Life
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Never Give Up

Never Give Up

As you walk through life, you will fall down many times. You will fail and you will make mistakes, but that’s okay. Keep in mind that life is a process of becoming.

You go through life to find yourself, to become yourself. Through every little thing you do, through every word you say and through every action you take, you are meant to discover more and more about yourself. About your inner journey, your life path and about the purpose and meaning of your own life.

Never give up because:

  1. You Are Alive And You Can
  2. You Believe In Your Dreams
  3. You Have Everything You Need
  4. You Don’t Want To Regret This
  5. You Need To Prove It To Yourself
  6. Success Feels Great
  7. It Could Change For The Better
  8. This Is Meant To Happen
  9. You Are Strong
  10. It Could Be Worse
  11. You Deserve Happiness And Success
  12. You Must Inspire Others
  13. Failure Is Normal
  14. Things Can Get Better
  15. It’s Always The Darkest Before Dawn
Never Give Up
Never Give Up

Never allow your fears, doubts, excuses, and limitations to get in the way of the beautiful and meaningful life that you are meant to be living. Never give up on yourself. Never give up on your dreams.