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Problems are just small phase of life, not whole life.

Life is not permanent You have choices

There are times when it feels like our world is falling apart. There are times when you feel your life is slipping away from your hands & your friends, relationships, acquaintances, situations are no more in your favor but just against you. All the things have just turned totally opposite of what you thought of them to be.?

Yes, this is a normal situation, a phase in everyone’s life, which we often call as ‘the worst phase of our lives’ & sometimes we actually can’t avoid them because obviously the lessons are to be learnt. And in such situations the life gives us choices which are generally two-

1. Give up on everything that’s happening at the moment & leave it all & accept your defeat.

2. Accept & acknowledge that bad times have come but be sure that they will pass so & act accordingly to make things work the right way. ?

What matters the most are the choices that you make & the routes that you take. Because trust me when I say this “YOUR CURRENT SITUATIONS ARE NOT PERMANENT & YOU’RE NOT STUCK”. You can make choices & change your life for good. “YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO IS SEEING PROBLEMS & GOING THROUGH TOUGH TIMES; YOU’RE NOT ALONE IN THE JOURNEY OF LIFE.”?

You’ll find so many more passengers, some of them could be a life lesson for you to learn while some of them could help you learn your life lessons. But you’ll only meet these beautiful passengers if you choose to fight & get through the rough times. THESE PROBLEMS ARE JUST A SMALL PART/PHASE OF YOUR LIFE & NOT YOUR WHOLE LIFE. YOUR LIFE IS MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ALL OF THIS! ?

So choose wisely because problems come in everyone’s life, but how you deal with them is what defines you as a person! ♥️