I have a past, but I don’t live there anymore. I believe in letting go of the things and the past, but keeping the lessons it taught you. I’ve made this my life mantra that “Universe Plays in My Favour”: Whatever happens has to by default be in my favour- whatever is good, healthy, happy and productive for me will happen to/for me.
I’ve seen people holding onto the past, going back to their previous lives, crying over what has already been done and can never be changed, being mad/angry over things that are not currently happening and so much more. I totally get it, that it is not easy, not at all easy but IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE.!
I could do it, I came out of it, even though time, efforts, help and support from my loved ones- my people was put in, but I got through it. And today here I’m writing this to y’all. I want to tell you that you can’t start a new chapter in your life, if you keep on re-reading the the previous one.!
I want to tell you that everyone comes into your life to teach you something. To give you a lesson, an experience, which will serve you life long. And when that something is learnt by you, the people who came as a teacher for you either leave after their part is done or stay to teach you more of the life lessons. And when the people leave, it’s for your own good that their part has been done in your life.
Type your paragraph here.While someone more deserving and better is on their way into your life, to teach you, to make you understand things, that you need for your life to be the best of it to live, on this planet.
And the lessons not only have to be bitter, sad and bad but also lessons of how to be happy, how to laugh, how to love, how to live to the fullest, so on and so forth.
Clinging onto something that happened in the past wouldn’t take you any further, and thus, leaving it behind you and starting a fresh, new chapter is a wise choice. Because the past is all in your head, but the future, it is in you hand.