Creating a happy life is not difficult, yet everyone has a different perspective of what a happy life means to them. So, therefore, what makes you happy? What is your definition of a happy life? Are you living your best life right now? Ask these questions to yourself, analyze your life, your thoughts, your situations & if the answers to these questions is a ‘no’ then don’t you think a change is required? If yes, then are you ready to work towards it? ?
We humans, complicate life, to be honest. Like I said, creating happiness is not a difficult task to do at all! You just need to know what you want & just go for it! It is like when you start to appreciate life more, it helps you to live & get the best of everything in return. Just know one thing that ‘you are the creator of your own happiness, not anything or anyone else.’ The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation. ?
To some people happiness may mean eating a chocolate, to some it may mean getting a good opportunity, to some it might be gaining some weight while to some it might be losing it. But at the end all it requires is to be happy, feel lighter & have that smile on your beautiful face when you go to sleep at night. ?
As you move to the higher stages on the path of self-mastery, you will develop your own philosophy about the way life works & your place within it. You ought to select the truths of others that resonate with the deepest part of you. You’ll integrate the #wisdom of others that rings true to you. While you’ll discard those ideas that do not speak to you & fail to make sense.? In doing so, you’ll forge your own authentic code & personal constitution for living your biggest life. THAT’S WHEN YOU BEGIN TO SHINE & ALL IT TAKES IS TO START TO WORK TOWARDS THE CHANGE, WORK TOWARDS YOUR OWN HAPPINESS & A HAPPY LIFE. ❤️