Stop wearing the weight of other people’s expectations and judgements.
One of the most astounding realisations I made in my high school, where I used to be very conscious about how I looked, what I wore, what hairstyles to make and so much more, is that…Why was I trying to please anyone with my clothing choices? Why was I trying to please anyone with my life choices???
Giving myself permission to let go of my need to meet other people’s expectations or to feel any kind of way based on judgements (good or bad) of others, helps me to trust myself and allows me to love my life regardless of outside feedback. I’m not good or bad or right or wrong because of what anyone else thinks. I can’t control what they think and I’m not going to change myself because of some people who lack self-love and self-esteem, so they try and pull others down, making themselves feel better.?
It’s a relief to know that I can love you and not care what you think about me at the same time.?
When you stop wearing the weight of other people’s expectations and judgements, you’ll be light.✨
Wearing these things is wearing you down. You can stop now and start living the way you want, wearing things that you like, eating whatever you want to and loving and hanging around with the people that resonate to you.❤️
What other people say or think is so not your problem, you just have to be the true self that you’re and anyone who has a problem with that, can either choose some other path or change themselves to be with you. ?❤️